
I'm a 33 years old guy based in London, UK and on 23rd April 2015 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I'll never know how I got it, it’s probably too expensive to find an exact answer. I'll spare you all the details about the problems I had with the NHS and that I had to go private etc etc, will leave that for another post maybe, and I'll get straight to the point.

Why this blog? Simple. Because when I looked around for information about Ulcerative Colitis, I did find lots of useful and informative sites, but not many blog-like sites, so somewhere I could read the experience of one person, see how the illness evolves. So after a bit of a mental debate with myself, I decided that it was a good idea to put everything on the net, who knows, somebody might benefit from this information. I'll try to post an update every week.

I'm not a physician, and therefore I'm not here to offer advices to anybody: this is merely a sequence of events and a description of the symptoms and the course of my illness, that's all, it's not gospel.

Find out more information about me and my symptoms here.

Monday, 21 September 2015

End of summer break

So, in case you're wondering if I had survived the summer, yes I have! I missed my regular update unfortunately, but here we are now.

So let's start where we left off, in August. When I was on holiday I had a few problems. I was doing fine up until I ate a good bowl of berries, blackberries, mulberries and red currant. The same day, when I went to the lou I passed blood. I thought it was just the red juice from the berries, but the day after it became clear that it was blood as there was even more than the previous day even thought I had much less berries. The funny thing was that I was feeling fine, I didn't really have any of the usual symptoms, just the bleeding, and it was quite a bit: to put things into perspective, it was like cutting your arm and look at the blood dripping. Anyway it took 3 days for the bleeding to stop completely, and obviously when I came back I went straight to my GP but we're not too clear what had happened. He wasn't particularly keen to treat this as a flair up, more like an incident. The trouble is that, I can't be 100% sure that it was in fact the berries causing that, I would have to try eating them again and see what happens...but, needless to say, I'm not too keen to do that, so I think I'll avoid them for now.

Aside from that, things seem to be OK for the time being. I'm still taking my daily 2g of mesalazine and began to take some different probiotics, it's called probio7, sold in boots, here are a few screenshots.

I don't know how good it is, considering it doesn't need to be in the fridge and it's essentially capsules with powder inside. It'll do it for now, then I might take a different one.

I 'm also eating a bit of everything now, like chocolate biscuits, and other things that I wouldn't have eaten a few months ago. I tried a few glasses of wine as well, and it wasn't too bad I have to say, the day after I was fine except for a little bit of mucus in my stools, but that couldn't have been because of the cheese I had that day, so I will have to try again and drink some more wine, just to make sure that it's OK. I've also decided that, providing things don't get worse, I might reduce the blog updates to once a month, so the less I post, the better I am, which makes sense since this blog is about I bad I feel.

Got another holiday coming up soon, will see how my stomach reacts to Moroccan food...

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