
I'm a 33 years old guy based in London, UK and on 23rd April 2015 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I'll never know how I got it, it’s probably too expensive to find an exact answer. I'll spare you all the details about the problems I had with the NHS and that I had to go private etc etc, will leave that for another post maybe, and I'll get straight to the point.

Why this blog? Simple. Because when I looked around for information about Ulcerative Colitis, I did find lots of useful and informative sites, but not many blog-like sites, so somewhere I could read the experience of one person, see how the illness evolves. So after a bit of a mental debate with myself, I decided that it was a good idea to put everything on the net, who knows, somebody might benefit from this information. I'll try to post an update every week.

I'm not a physician, and therefore I'm not here to offer advices to anybody: this is merely a sequence of events and a description of the symptoms and the course of my illness, that's all, it's not gospel.

Find out more information about me and my symptoms here.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Strange developments

I have begun to feel a little better this week, but it's a funny business. My legs are feeling better, I don't feel that tired and lethargic, but quite the opposite in fact, the itchiness is much better (I'm glad I didn't stop taking the medication), and even the swollen gland just under the jaw line seems less swollen. This for the extra-intestinal symptoms. But as far as my guts are concerned, I could still see mucus and blood, every now and then, but not in great quantities. All good till Wednesday (3/06) when I noticed again big blobs of mucus, blood and pus, the usual thing again. It seems it all came back again, so, very frustrated, I thought hard what could have caused that, like new food I have tried this week and so on, but I can't think of anything too strange: roasted potatoes;

  • a bit of fruit (I used to be a fruit-obsessed person, eating an awful lot of it every day, but since my diagnosis I've cut down on fruit significantly);
  • I had some oat milk, everyday for a bout 4 days, as I was fed up with rice milk, but maybe I should switch back to rice milk instead;
  • I had some multigrain flat breads, and that could be another thing that my guts didn't appreciated, who knows

I'm also trying to compile a list of food that I think it doesn't do me any good, but it is an incredibly complicated task. So far I have only a few things on it, which seem to be giving problems:

  • Kale (and probably cabbage in general)
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms

Then there're the usual irritant, coffee, chocolate, tea cream, fatty meat, alcohol: with these I didn't even try their effect on my guts as I cut them out completely assuming they're bad: a bit drastic? Maybe, but hey, better safe than sound.

So, to sum it up, this week is the opposite of the previous one: intestinal symptoms are back, extra-intestinal, are much better. I'm not sure what it means, and whether it's a good thing or a bad one. I'll have to ask my GP.

In general, eating out is becoming harder and harder as you invariably end up trying things that you think you'd rather avoid. Not only that, even at home, the range of the food I can cook is shrinking, and that's not the most annoying thing, surely not as much as not knowing whether what I'm doing is good or not. Incidentally, my supply of Pentasa is finishing, I think I have another week or so to go, then, hopefully my GP will know what to do.

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